Guadalupe River, TX
VEI has extensive experience with flooding. Designing flood control channels, food-proofing existing structures, identifying and mapping floodplains, planning and implementing mitigation measures, and developing multi-objective floodplain plans are all projects we are familiar with and have experience in.
Our technical expertise covers all the bases, giving you an accurate picture to anticipate and respond to flooding impacts. More than technical solutions, we can help you develop a comprehensive floodplain management program that considers structural and nonstructural strategies. We’ve also helped our clients forge public consensus on challenging floodplain issues.
VEI has performed hundreds of studies of the creeks and rivers throughout the Hill Country and Texas. VEI is known throughout the Hill Country for our expertise in this area. To date, VEI has submitted over 100 extensive flood studies to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on a majority of the streams and rivers throughout the Hill Country to help residents and businesses reclaim land that is currently inaccurately designated as part of the 100 year flood plain area by FEMA.
Hydrology / Hydraulic Studies
Drainage Reports & Plans
Stream Modeling
Flood Plain Modeling
Flood Protection Facilities
Determination of Flood Plain
No-Rise & Elevation Certificates
History of Working Closely with FEMA & Local Governments
Conditional Letter of Map Amendment (CLOMA) & Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) – MT1 and MT2
Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) & Letter of Map Revision (LOMR)